Tax District Information

On April 7, 2015 an election proposal will be on the ballot for the registered voters within our Fire Department boundaries to decide whether to transition from the current voluntary dues supported Fire Association to a tax supported Fire Protection District. Voters will also be asked to vote for five (5) Board Directors to serve on the newly created Fire Protection District Board if so approved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the boundaries or coverage area change?
No, all boundaries will remain the same as they are now.


How will the funding of the Fire Department be effected?
Currently about 50 percent of the property owners of the district are paying the voluntary annual dues with the remainder not contributing to the cost of providing Fire and Rescue service. Future funding would be through a district wide assessment.


What will be the cost under the new structure, if approved?
Currently single family residences pay the voluntary dues of $60.00 per year, additional units $35.00, and commercial businesses $100.00 per year.

As a Fire Protection District there would no longer be any dues. Residents and property owners would fund the department through a tax levy of .30 cents per $100.00 dollars of the combined assessed value (not market value) of real estate and personal property.

For example: $18,000 total assessed value multiplied by .0030 would be $54.00 annual cost for funding the Fire Department.

Many of the participating district residents and property owners will realize a savings.
Some will have to pay additional but the goal is to achieve equitable funding by all.

For your convenience, there is a calculator at the bottom of this page to help you estimate the fire district portion of your taxes, if passed.


When will the funding change take effect?
We will need to fund 2015 with the voluntary dues as usual.  Funding for 2016 would then be provided through the 30 cent assessment in December 2015.

There will be no overlap or double billing.


Will the fire department continue to be staffed by volunteers?

Currently the annual fire dues can be waived by the Board of Directors.

Presently there is no funding available to reimburse responders for their expenses.

With Fire protection District funding a small stipend for responders such as ” paid on call” or a fuel reimbursement could be explored.


Will revenues increase with the Fire Protection District in place?
Current annual membership revenues are approximately $58,000.00. Fire District revenues are estimated to be $100,000.00 to $108,000.00.
The additional revenue will not all be net increase due to audits, and other
Administrative, and compliance costs associated with the use of public

In addition to fires, Morrisville Fire and Rescue is trained to respond to
various emergencies and public assistance calls.

The volunteer dues participation has remained at a static level and no viable
change is anticipated.

The assured revenue foundation of public funding would strengthen the Fire
Department’s ability to maintain and upgrade equipment, retire debt, and
implement strategic planning.


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