When can I expect my blue address sign?
The blue address signs are offered as funds are available. There is no set schedule. The highest priority goes to those homes that are difficult to find due to being set off the road or not having a mailbox in front, such as is common on some private drives. Even some of our firefighters do not yet have signs for their property. You are still protected.
Why I haven’t I received my dues letter?
In April, 2015, the residents elected to have a tax supported fire district. With that change, funding in 2016 started to come from property taxes. This change ensures all residents of the district are protected, and also frees up a vast amount of volunteer hours that used to be dedicated to processing payments. We do thank all residents for their support since 1967, which has made it possible to get us where we are today.
Do you fill swimming pools?
Unfortunately, this is not a service we can offer at this time. We have a high demand for this service, however our water tenders are not considered clean water. We recommend local farms that may have milk haulers or other clean tanks to haul water. If this is a service you are capable of providing, please let us know and we will list your business below.
Do you have volunteers that don’t run calls?
Absolutely! There is a lot of behind the scenes work to running a fire department, and if you have a skill that can benefit us or are just willing to do some work, we can use your help. These are our auxiliary, and are not subject to the same training requirements as responders. They may do mechanical work, office work, general cleaning and maintenance, or putting up the blue signs! Maybe there’s something we haven’t even though of that you can provide to make our department and our lives better?